Blue Lace Agate is a variety of Chalcedony - it imparts gentle support, and an uplifting, stabilizing energy. It is a wonderful Throat Chakra Stone, helping us to manifest our inner truth.. and to open pathways of communication between us and others - and the spirit realm. This can help us get in touch with our guardian angels and spirit guides. Blue Lace Agate is particularly helpful for new mothers.. as well as anyone going through a major life transition. You can feel the cooling, peaceful energy - just by gazing at its undulating bands of blues.
The setting of the stone, and pure copper 36” chain (which has a clasp, so can be doubled around the neck for a shorter look!) have a luxurious “ancient” patina. The copper is sealed, but do take care to keep the jewelry dry and free of perfume, sunscreen, etc. - to preserve the appearance.